• Bizi Arayın: +90 252 412 08 75


Uzun yıllar önce hizmet vermeye başladığımız yatçılık sektöründe ilk faaliyetlerimiz tekne bakım-onarım ve mürettebatsız motoryat kiralamayı içeriyordu.

Geçmişteki yoğun (ve şu anda çok özlenen) sezonlarımız boyunca diğer tekne kiralama tipleri ile ilgilenmek için fazla vaktimiz kalmıyordu. Sorumlusu olduğumuz teknelerin bakım ve onarımları ile kiralama operasyonları biz fazlasıyla meşgul ediyordu.

Hepimizi ilgilendiren gündemler sonucunda bizim işimiz de evrildi, ve her türden tekne ve kiralama tipi ile birlikte, satış ve teknik servis konularında da hizmet vermeye başladık.

Kaptansız motoryat kiralamaların getirdiği aşırı sorumluluk duygusuyla, şu anda sunmakta olduğumuz tüm yat hizmetlerini olağanüstü titizlikle müşterilerimize sunmaktayız. Çok iyi biliriz ki, denizle şaka olmaz, ve bu iş ciddiyet gerektirir. Yani siz sevgili misafirlerimiz, en güzel tekne tatillerini yaşarken, biz arka planda her şeyin yolunda gittiğinden emin olmak için her zaman görev başındayız.

Bu nedenle, misafirlerimizle ilgilenme sürecimiz bizimle ilk irtibata geçtiklerinde başlar, ve tekneden ayrıldıkları ana kadar devam eder. Bu zaman zarfında sizlere bir telefon kadar uzaktayız ve rahatınız için her zaman görev başındayız.

Sizin için özenle seçtiğimiz teknelerimizden birinde tatil yapmak veya gözünüz gibi baktığınız teknenizi bize emanet etmek isterseniz. bize her zaman ulaşabilirsiniz..

2021 Yaz Sezonu

2021 yaz sezonu için ne kadar da umutluyduk! Salgın bitecek ve hayat normale dönecekti.. Oysa ş......

Mavi Yolculuğu Macera ile Birleştirmek

"Mavi yolculuk ve macera kombinasyonu" ifadesi, genellikle güzel kıyılarda yelken açmayı, yüzm......

Tekne Turu ve Spiritualizm

Teknede tatiller, doğa ile bağlantı kurma ve ruhsal yansımalar için benzersiz bir fırsat sunab......

Gulet Kabin Kiralama

23.06.2021 Gulet cabin charters were quite popular until a few years ago. This type of yachting ho......

Power Cat

Power Cat, motorlu bir katamaran türüdür ve genellikle su üzerindeki verimliliği, hızı ve sta......

2025 Yaz sezonu

2025 yaz sezonu bir tekne üzerinde oldukça heyecan verici bir dönem olabilir ve macera, dinlenme ......


  • A boat is much more than a way of travelling. It brings you to places where your dreams can come true. In our case, we have spent two marvellous weeks navigating between Turkey and Greece. Moreover, the services provided by Sunshine Cruising were not only Professional, they were friendly. A %100 satisfaction quote is not exagerated. Sincere thanks to Esra and her team.

    Marc – Brenda – Karin – Alain (Rodman 41)
  • Dear Ahmet, Dear Esra, Dear Sunshine Cruising team, We are very new in the boat-charter holiday, but we have never been treated as nice as in Marmaris from Sunshine Cruising team, especially from Ahmet and Esra –a perfect team for a perfect trip. We enjoyed it very very much and we nearly forgot the pricing!! Thank you for everything. We will come again – for sure, best regards from Austria!

    Sabine – Kurt (Bavaria 33)
  • To Esra & Team Yellow bird is a great boat in layout & comfort. Clean, furnished well and a joy to travel in. We had a lovely two weeks cruising the islands off Greece & Turkey. The ease of booking through Esra and the help from the boys made a perfect team. Thank you all for being so thoughtful and helpful. A pleasure meeting you.

    Margeret And Paul “Bayliner 4587″
  • Dear Esra, Dear Ahmet and team; Thank you for the warm welcome and all your kind support till the end. We enjoyed a wonderful time on our 2 week trip through Turkish water and coasts, weather and conditions were marvellous. Our highlight was wild anchoring in Yeşilova Bay – so wonderful place! Hoping to come back…

    Ulker – Lars – Heike – Harold (Bayliner 3388 – 2010)
  • Dear Esra, Dear Ahmet, Dear Fatih; Thank you for all the support and help you gave us and for the friendly and warm way you did it! We enjoyed our trip with “blue moon” and made many interesting and worthful experiences with the boat-life and with the lovely Turkish landscape and people we saw and met.

    Thanks again and good bye.

    Christina – Paul (Bavaria 33 – 2010)
  • To the Sunshine Cruising Team Everything was tripple A! Beginning with the first booking correspondence, the hand out of the Kimberley, the kindness way, just everything was total Professional and very friendly.

    We had a great trip.

    The Reimers Team (Rodman 41 – 2011)
  • To the sunshine Cruising team; Thank you very much. We have enjoyed 2 great week on Kimberley. Your helpful organization has been impeccable and very receptive. We will come again and will look forward to enjoying the hospitality of Turkey – shown so well by Ahmet, Esra and team.

    Richard & Jill (Fairline Squadron 55 & Rodman 41 – 2011/2012)
  • To the Sunshine Cruising team; Enjoyed our trip on Kimberley can’t say enough about your beautiful country Turkey! It was all amazing. You do a wondeful job and made us feel very welcome. Thank you all so much, we are leaving with some wonderful memeries!

    Louise – Gordon – Cathy – Gregory (Rodman 41 – 2011)
  • Hi together, First time I visited this country. At our home we have many neighbours from Turkey but we never visited Turkey. Now I was here and can tell that to our neighbours. This week, we find so many nice places on our way to Bozburun and back. So many nice bays hold us safe over night, swimming, fishing and the beer we could enjoy every day. The ship is in a good and safe condition. Many thanks for the nice days!

    Ina – Eberhard – Alexandra – Ulrich (Rodman 41 – 2011/2012)
  • To Esra and her team. Our trip was wonderful! Colena is a great boat. Very comfortable! Thank you for your help and service! We will definetely come back to Turkey and to you! We all wish you luck, good clients and all the best!

    Alex – Sergey – Olga – Galina – Polina – Nikita (Fairline Squadron 55 – 2012)
  • Dear Esra, Ahmet & Onur, Since 2000, we chartered 3 times a motor yacht with you (2 x Bayliner 3388, 1 x Sealine S34) We are very very satisfied and we had a wonderful week. Your service is excellent and the boats are in such a wonderful condition. Your warm and kind approach towards your guests is “unique” and highly appreciated! We are looking forward to see you soon again! All the best for SSC!

    Family Blach – Austria (Bayliner 3388 – Sealine S34 (2000 – 2007 – 2013)
  • Bu dördüncü gelişimiz Marmaris'e. Herbiri, birbirinden güzel bir tatil oldu. Denizi, havası hiç bizi üzmedi. Kiraladığımız tekneler temiz ve bakımlılardı. Bunun için Sunshine Cruising’e bütün arkadaşlar ismine teşekkür ederim.

    Yücel (Bayliner 3388 – Rodman 41)
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